The Woehler Journey
The Woehler Journey
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

MicKayla Woehler is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
James and I have been trying for over 2 years now, and we’ve tried everything. The fertility foods, shakes, natural medicines sadly unsuccessfully. So we moved onto fertility treatments and so far no luck. We are now needing to look into IUI or IVF.
A little background about James and I, after we got engaged in 2017 we talked a lot about what we wanted for our future and we both really wanted kids so we decided that we would start trying right after we got married. I was on a pretty strong birth control and reading about how long it could take for the contraceptive to work it’s way out of your system we decided to remove it in June of 2019 just 3 months before our wedding day. Well our wedding day came and went and we still weren’t pregnant. So we decided to go the doctors to ensure that everything was okay. We had blood tests done and everything came back normal so we waited another year and still weren’t pregnant. We went back to the same doctor did another round of blood work to just make sure everything was still normal which it was. So we tried for another month unsuccessfully. We decided to find another doctor, this one was a fertility specialist. She immediately put us on a fertility treatment and decided to monitor my ovulation timing. For those who aren’t familiar with fertility treatments they call this a follicle study. At this appointment they take an ultrasound wand and check your ovaries and the follicles for their size. During my appointment our tech became quiet and kept checking my left ovary. She grabbed a doctor to also come take a look at it, and they discovered a large mass on my left ovary in December of 2020. We decided together that due to its large size and chance of rupturing that we would go ahead with surgery to remove it. In January of 2021 I underwent a partial oophorectomy (part of my left ovary was removed) and cystectomy (ovarian cyst was fully removed). They considered my surgery a very successful one thankfully and my mass was in fact not cancerous and only a ovarian cyst. As time after healing went on we kept with our fertility treatments, going in two to three times month for our follicle studies and trigger shots. Now that we are just over a year since we’ve found and removed the cyst we are looking into more options such as IUI and IVF. We typically wouldn’t do a fundraiser like this, however the costs are very high and we’ve gone through quite a large sum of money for surgery and the fertility treatments. If you are able to donate we greatly appreciate your monetary donation, if you can’t donate we would appreciate if you’d share this post. We appreciate everything to help get us closer to our goal of becoming parents.
Thank you,
James and MicKayla Woehler
Name | Donation | Date |
Paula Kays | $30.00 | February 09, 2022 |
Lindsey Luu | $75.00 | February 09, 2022 |
Katherine Frias | $50.00 | February 09, 2022 |
Mindy Lammert | $20.00 | February 09, 2022 |
Shawna Orwoll | $50.00 | February 09, 2022 |
Nicole Schroedl | $50.00 | February 09, 2022 |
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MicKayla Woehler is organizing this fundraiser.